Prices and discounts for online Alexa Rank checker
Initial price
Initial price - it's price for customer who verify less than 2,000,000 urls in our service, for example all new customers using initial price. Initial price is 0.40 USD per 100,000 urls, it means that checking of one url address cost 0.0004 cents. Price per 100,000 urls called "price rate" or "rate", initially it's 0.40 USD. Example: new customer (0 urls checked before) want to check 5000 urls, it will cost (5000 urls * 0.40 USD)/100000 = 0.02 USD Notice: checking rate for all our alexa services are the same, and you pay only for correct result. |
Our discounts based on urls number that was checked through customers account before. Example1: customer that already check 2,005,000 urls want to check 10,000 urls, it will cost (10,000 urls * 0.32 USD)/1000 = 0.032 USD Example2: customer that already verify 12,000,000 urls want to verify 10,000 urls, it will cost (10,000 urls * 0.26 USD)/1000 = 0.026 USD Discount rate can not back to initial rate after some time was passed. Our system updating price automatically, but make us know if you will have some questions. |
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Pls input number of urls that you want to process: | |||